BIC Process Design Update PLUS

With our regular updates for BIC Process Design, we continue to optimize your process management and thus the success of your company. In addition to many smaller updates, our major updates implement innovations that we want to introduce to you as quickly as possible, so that you are always up-to-date with our Membership PLUS BIC Process Design.

With the Membership PLUS BIC Process Design, you will know about new features at the time of release so that your organization will be well prepared to use them.

What's inside this course...

    1. Enterprise Architecture Management with BIC EAM

    2. Variant management

    3. Merge version changes

    4. Additional bulk updating operations for diagrams

    5. Direct bulk updating operations for diagrams in Preview and Publication

    6. Improvements in the new user interface

    7. Method adjustment

    1. Filter for the governance lifecycle

    2. Gallery view for diagrams

    1. Your input matters

About this course

  • Part of Membership PLUS
  • 8 Lessons