BIC GRC Administration - Advanced (EN)
Course • 0 lessonsThis training course is aimed at experienced BIC GRC users and provides in-depth knowledge of system architecture, user administration and configuration. Adapt complex configurations to your individual requirements independently.
BIC GRC Administration - Foundation (EN)
Course • 0 lessonsThis blended training is aimed at BIC GRC administrators. Discover the most important system functionalities and terminology, the system architecture, the asset model, the GRC frameworks and user administration.
BIC GRC Fachadministration - Advanced (DE)
Course • 31 lessonsDieses Training richtet sich an erfahrene BIC GRC-Anwender und vermittelt vertiefte Kenntnisse in der Systemarchitektur, Benutzerverwaltung und Konfiguration. Passen Sie eigenständig komplexe Konfigurationen an Ihre individuellen Wünsche an.
Membership PLUS BIC Process Execution
Bundle • 6 learning productsStay up-to-date on the latest product developments with our Membership PLUS BIC Process Execution. Includes current and past release notes for "BIC Process Execution" in German and English and our GBTEC Academy PLUS Community.
Membership PLUS BIC Process Design
Bundle • 7 learning productsStay up-to-date on the latest product developments with our Membership PLUS BIC Process Design. Includes current and past release notes for "BIC Process Design" in German and English and our GBTEC Academy PLUS Community.
BIC GRC Fachadministration - Foundation (DE)
Course • 42 lessonsDieses Blended Training richtet sich an BIC GRC Fachadministratoren. Entdecken Sie die wichtigsten Systemfunktionalitäten und Begrifflichkeiten, die Systemarchitektur, das Assetmodell, die GRC-Frameworks und die Benutzerverwaltung.