Membership PLUS
BIC Process Design
Blended Training
About this bundle
With our bundle Membership PLUS BIC Process Update, you receive exclusive training on the new features of each major release. New functionalities are presented, shown in the system and use cases are demonstrated.
Additionally, you get exclusive access to the GBTEC Academy PLUS Community to exchange ideas and questions with other members.
Whether you're a new user or a seasoned expert, our bundle is the perfect way to stay up-to-date on the latest developments and improvements of BIC Process Design.
Target group
BIC Process Design User
Your benefits at a glance
Regular communication of updates to the latest version
Application of new
Clarification of open questions in dealing with BIC Process Design
Insights into best practices and solution approaches
Regular exchange with
like-minded people
Access to current and
past release notes
This bundle includes:
GBTEC Academy PLUS Community
Join our GBTEC Academy PLUS Community for the latest updates on BIC Process Design and BIC Process Execution.
Newest Release - BIC Process Design Update PLUS (EN)
This course will show you the updates included in the newest release for BIC Process Design.
Neueste Version - BIC Process Design Update PLUS (DE)
In diesem Kurs lernen Sie alle Neuerungen von dem neuesten Release für BIC Process Design kennen.
Frühere Versionen - BIC Process Design Update PLUS (DE)
Dieser Kurs gibt Ihnen einen Überblick über alle Minor und Major Releases der Versionen der letzen 1,5 Jahre von BIC Process Design.
Legacy Releases - BIC Process Design Update PLUS (EN)
This course provides an overview of all major and minor releases of the last 1.5 years of BIC Process Design.
Expertentalks Membership PLUS (DE)
Tauchen Sie ein in Innovation und Expertise mit unserem exklusiven Kurs. Hier erfahren Sie von Experten der GBTEC Process Days alles über aktuelle Trends und bewährte Methoden der digitalen Transformation.
Expert Talks Membership PLUS (EN)
Dive into innovation and expertise with our exclusive course featuring expert talks from GBTEC Process Days. Gain insights into digital transformation trends and methods, providing a comprehensive learning experience.
BIC Process Design für Leser/Reader (DE)
Diese Schulung richtet sich an User in der Rolle der sogenannten "Leser" bzw. "Reader". Sie werden in der Lage sein, durch die Systemlandschaft zu navigieren, Prozessdiagramme zu lesen und lernen die wichtigsten BIC Features kennen.
BIC Process Design for Readers (EN)
This training is aimed at employees in the role of the so-called 'Readers'. They will be able to navigate through the system landscape, read and understand process diagrams and use the most important BIC features.
BIC Process Design für Freigeber/Reviewer (DE)
Diese Schulung richtet sich an Mitarbeiter in der Rolle des sogenannten "Reviewers". Lernen Sie Prozesse freizugeben und wie verschiedene Workflows in BIC Process Design aussehen.
BIC Process Design for Reviewers (EN)
This training is aimed at users in the role of the so-called 'Reviewers'. Building on the rights of a 'Reader', you will be able to approve a process and know how different workflows in BIC Process Design looks like.
BIC Process Design für Autoren/Authors - New UI (DE)
Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt des BPM mit unserem E-Learning-Kurs! Meistern Sie verschiedene Diagrammtypen, vereinfachen Sie komplexe Abläufe und verbessern Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten im Bereich Prozessmodellierung mit BIC Process Design.
BIC Process Design for Authors - New UI (EN)
Explore the world of BPM with our e-Learning course! Master diverse diagram types, simplify complex processes, and elevate your process modeling skills with BIC Process Design with the new UI.